




Top 10 tips for video interview success

Top 10 tips for video interview success
24 Mar 2021

Video interviews became the new normal due to the Covid pandemic and they are very much here to stay. At Four, we have always seen the value in carrying out first interviews via video with our candidates, it’s a great way of getting an initial insight. In fact, our Four Enhanced pricing package includes a copy of our video interview, further assisting hiring managers with the process of recruitment.

We do understand however, that video interviews may feel daunting for those who are not comfortable or familiar with it. There are some great positives; they save time (no travelling required) and allow for flexibility in the day (interviews can take place over lunch). In addition, with hiring managers busy diaries, scheduling a video call is a lot more convenient than a face-to-face meeting.


Our top 10 tips for video interview success:


 1. Test your technology

Avoid the stress of last-minute technical issues by doing a test run with the systems you’ll be using in your interview.  Ensure your microphone is on and working and your laptop, phone or iPad has a video option installed.  Your consultant can help with this and complete a dummy run with you.


2. Check your WiFi connection

 Ensure that you are in a good location so the WiFi doesn’t let you down! If you know that you are prone to having connectivity issues, make sure your interviewer is aware of this beforehand.


3. Log on 5-10 minutes early

 Don’t leave it to the last minute to log onto your interview. Get yourself set up and sign into the call a few minutes ahead of your interview time. Take this time to calm yourself and ensure that you are ready for the interview. Also, have important documents and necessary information to hand.


4. Pick a neutral background

Pay careful attention to your background. Try and pick a space that is neutral, tidy and free from distractions. Make sure that there is adequate lighting so that you are presented as clear and accessible on camera. Natural light facing you to highlight your face will look best, but as long as you are visible, you’ll be fine.


5. Minimize distractions

If other people are around, make them aware that you are having an interview so they don’t interrupt. Don’t stress if the unexpected happens, your interviewer will understand. Turn your phone and other devices off or on silent and keep pets in another room to minimize noise. Try and position yourself away from your front door so that if anyone were to knock, it would be heard on camera. If this isn’t possible for you and this scenario occurs, just apologise and move on.


6. Dress professionally

First impressions go a long way and it’s easy to forget the importance of appropriate attire when interviewing from your home. Wear what you would choose to wear in a physical interview and ask others for their opinions if you aren’t sure. Be comfortable but appropriate.


7. Focus on the camera

It’s important to keep focus and make eye contact with your interviewer. Hiring managers will be looking for how you interact and so it’s important to remain engaged throughout your interview. If you find seeing yourself on the screen distracting, look into the application settings before the interview to see if you can turn this view off.


8. Do your research

Social media and online presence make this process really easy, so ensure you have some good and relevant background knowledge of the company interviewing you. Have some notes handy so that if you are struggling to remember information, you have it written down to remind you.


9. Have some of your own questions ready

As you would in a face-to-face interview, prepare some questions about the company and the role ahead of your interview. As you’re not getting to meet your prospective employer face to face, you want to ensure that you are being perceived to be as engaged as possible. Have these questions written down to avoid confusion and to promote clarity.


10. End the interview strong

Ensure that you thank the interviewer for their time and wait for them to end the video. They may have additional points they would like to make, so always give them the opportunity. Share your appreciation of the interview with the interviewer and anybody else who is present on the call. Some employers conduct second interviews to narrow down their candidates even further- if this is the case for you, follow these tips again to maintain professionalism and read our post on second interviews.


We always hope that you are successful in your job applications and interviews. Following our expert advice and guidance can help you to be as prepared as possible for your interview. If you are successful, you may benefit from reading our post on starting a new role, particularly during a difficult time such as the pandemic.


If you’re a candidate looking for your next role you can register your interest to work with Four Recruitment (HERE).


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