




Employee Feedback for Success: Utilising Technology in Performance Management

Employee Feedback for Success: Utilising Technology in Performance Management
25 Sep 2023

Employee Feedback for Success: Utilising Technology in Performance Management


Over the last few years, technology has redefined the way that HR professionals support employee growth in their organisation. 


By facilitating real-time assessments and accurate, data-driven performance analysis, managers can deliver constructive feedback that breaks down barriers and encourages a culture of open communication. 


To top this off, the instant connectivity provided by the likes of applications Slack, Asana, and Teams has begun to empower managers to promptly address employee concerns, recognise achievements and offer additional training or guidance where needed.

The Importance of Performance Management for Great Businesses


There’s no refuting that continuous learning and development is a key component of success in any great business. It allows an organisation to…


  1. Address weaknesses.
  2. Increase the effectiveness of staff members. 
  3. Engage employees.


However, delivering successful employee training on an ongoing basis just wouldn’t be possible without the versatility and value provided by HR technology.


In recent times, digital services like real-time feedback platforms, goal-setting tools, and performance-tracking software have opened new avenues for in-depth internal performance management. This enables managers to offer personalised and, perhaps more importantly, relevant employee training that’s bound to increase skill levels across the board. 


The shift to a digital, knowledge-based economy means that a vibrant workforce is more important than ever. Research suggests that a very significant percentage of market capitalization in public companies is based on intangible assets—skilled employees, exceptional leaders, and knowledge.” - McKinsey

7 Ways You Can Utilise HR Technology in Performance Management


By analysing employee performance data with the aid of Artificial Intelligence, HR professionals can begin to uplift teams to new heights. With the insights provided, organisations can…

  • set motivational but reasonable goals
  • pinpoint skill gaps
  • identify areas of improvement
  • provide constructive feedback
  • understand employee strengths and weaknesses 


Armed with specialist performance management tools, you can create personalised development plans that align your organisation's needs with each employees' aspirations.

1. Personalised Learning

At its core, HR training technology analyses individual learning patterns and preferences, adjusting each individual’s experience to their unique needs. By tailoring content based on the employee’s progress and learning style, adaptive systems always ensure the material is going to resonate with the learner. 

2. Skill Mapping

Talent analytics have the power to grant HR professionals detailed insights into their organisation's skill landscape. In recent years, a host of innovative systems have emerged, spearheaded by industry leaders such as Visier, which integrate data from multiple sources, enabling multi-dimensional analysis and comprehensive reporting across your organisation.

3. Career Progression

Harnessing the metrics provided, performance tracking software will allow you to delve deep into employee performance, identifying individual strengths and uncovering trends across the organisation. You can then offer employees targeted support and development opportunities to advance their careers.

4. Bias-Free Feedback

Did you know that performance-tracking software promotes objectivity and fairness? By relying on data and concrete, numerical metrics when providing feedback, you can minimise the influence of bias - levelling the playing field so each employee is evaluated based on their achievements. In a world where diversity and ethics is so important, this could prove crucial to your business.

5. Goal Setting

When cultivating a growth culture, setting clear and measurable goals for your employees is absolutely key. Embracing technology-driven goal-setting tools that measure performance and calculate trajectories can streamline this process, equipping employees and managers with the means to establish SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) objectives.

6. Ongoing Communication

Real-time feedback platforms, such as 15Five, Culture Amp and WorkTango, facilitate continuous communication between managers and employees, nurturing a culture of open dialogue and collaboration. These platforms empower managers to offer feedback promptly and regularly, bridging the gap between performance and recognition. 

7. Employee Motivation

Data-driven performance tracking extends beyond evaluations; it sets the stage for a performance-driven culture. Each employee is empowered with a clear understanding of their performance metrics, able to witness the direct correlation between their efforts and the measurable results produced.

How to Utilise HR Technology for Performance Management

As you can see, access to performance-tracking software is bound to equip HR professionals with the valuable information they need to significantly improve employee performance. 


To this end, you need to consider adopting HR technology into your day-to-day processes as soon as possible. The benefits will be exponential, allowing you to nurture organisational growth and support your team at a whole new level. 


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At Four Recruitment, we don't just match CVs with job descriptions; we're here to build genuine, authentic connections between talented candidates and top employers.

We go the extra mile to uncover the best candidates, even if they seem elusive or hard to find. If we can't find them, they don't exist. That's how dedicated we are to sourcing the best talent for great businesses.

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